Calidad Studio | Interior Design
Interior Design House Living Room Country Chique

Once you have requested a package, we will start with to get to know each other. This will be through a 30 minute online conversation. We ask you several questions but also what you hope to achieve? We also explore expectations in this conversation and of course answer any questions you have for us. Based on your wishes you will receive a suitable and non-binding offer from us.

Package one


You and your house are completely ready for a full renovation, then this is the package to choose. Within this package we start from the beginning and will think of a complete renovation. Adding more square footage, removing the old bathroom downstairs to the first floor and all the above. You name it and we will take care of it. What is included in this package for you?

Interior advise 1h | Two Moodboards | Color- Furniture-, Light- & Materialplan | Floorplan 2D | Constructual drawings | Style finish*
Architectutal calculations* | Project Management* 

Prices starting at €4.200,- per room, excluding *
 Two 1h face to face meetings included to discuss the interior plan

* =  extra costs, calculation based on project

Addition of colored floorplan and/or perspective

drawing available, see options below

Package two


Are there some rooms in your house that are not finished? Or maybe your child deserves a new look in the room? Then this package is for you. It will make the room look and feel different from how it was. As well, it will feel like it's part of the rest of the house. This package will also give you the complete plans, so you will know how it will look like and how to style. What is included in this package for you?

Interior advise 1h | Two Moodboards | Floorplan 2D |
Furniture-, Material- & Colorplan

Price starting at €2.450,- per room, depending on the size of the room

Additions available, see options below


We can be your projectmanager for the entire renovation of the house. That includes that we are the person between you and the contractor and we make sure everything is executed as designed and agreed between us. This way you don't have the stress of the renovation and can enjoy the result even more. Depending on the size of the project, the price starts at €110,- per hour. We do only work with our own contractor. 

Basic Light Plan

Based on the new or current floorplan I create a new light plan. Based on your wishes and constructual possibilities of the house or room. Starting price of a basic plan per room from €250,-. Add-on possibility is a full lightplan. Price on request.

Style-, Color-, Furniture- & Materialplan

Based on the new or current floorplan, I create a complete

style, color and materialplan, based on your wishes. This plan

will be presented in a printed bookform which also include samples of the materials. Price of the plan per room is €800,-

Colored floorplan and/or Perspective drawing of one room

Based on the floorplan that has been designed, can also be finalized in color. That way you get a better feeling of how the room will look like in 2D. The colors of the furniture, but also the materials like the floor. Another option is to have a one perspective drawing of a room, like the kitchen. This way you can see in 3D how the kitchen will look and feel, also in color and materials. Prices vary between €650,- and €2.100,-.


Styling at home

This add on can be chosen at any moment as an addition or just as an option. I will come to your house to style all the newly chosen items or re-style your current situation. Prices vary between €250,- and €1.500,-. Depending on the origin and quantity of rooms. Add-on possibility is that I will buy in and manage the new items. Prices on request.

General costs

If it would happen that you would need extra time of a booked service then my hourly rate will be in place. My hourly rate is set at €85,-. For travelling to the location that is requested I charge an hourly rate of €40,- and €1,- per km. Whenever it is needed to have my car parked with parkingcosts, this will be added to the invoice, at the end.

Shopping list

Based on the created style plan from package one, or the addition style, color and materialplan, I will add a full shoppinglist of the chosen items. This includes where to buy them and how much they cost per item. Price of the list is €450,-

Interior Design Process Materials Fabrics
Interior Design Bedroom Country Chique Natural Colors
Interior Design Living Room House Light Country

Here's, how we work?


Who are we both - We meet online so you can tell me everything about who you are and what your expectations are. After getting to know each other and seeing if our styles match (naturally without any obligation), we can discuss the next steps.


Let's talk- We meet in person so you can tell me everything about your house, your plans, wishes and dreams. After we set this up we can discuss a total renovation of your house from scratch, a large project or simply an interior design for a small part of your house. And ofcourse we visit your house first.


It's time to start - We are going to a blank canvas. There are many decisions that need to be taken about the layout, lighting, tiles, taps et cetera (depending on the packageand/or addition). We will manage these decisions for you, in close contact with you. At all times we provide the contractor with all necessary information.


In the process of making your home - After these phases are done, the fun part of renovating your house begins! We will take care of everything, from ordering the chosen products, to taking care of all the deliveries and dealing with any challenges along the way. At all time we have the control, together with the contractor who will take great care of your home.


Finishing the journey - Your home is almost ready! In the final stage we deliver you a printed book of the whole project. That way you can always look back on how the project went and then look up to the real life version in your beautiful home. Beside that we can help you with moving in, installing all the new items, and helping you transform your house into the new look.


We always take care of you - Now that you are able to enjoy the house that you deserve, our journey together has come to an end. However as Calidad Studio stands for 'gezelligheid'  (cozyness)  and quality, you can always contact us if there would be any questions.